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[英语学习经验] 考研英语阅读如何从其他题的题干寻找主旨题答案?

发表于 2016-10-21 14:17:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
  例1,2012年英语(一)Text 3
  Which of the following would be the best title of the test?
  [A]. Novelty as an Engine of Scientific Development
  [B]. Collective Scrutiny in Scientific Discovery
  [C]. Evolution of Credibility in Doing Science
  [D]. Challenge to Credibility at the Gate to Science
  [第31题] According to the first paragraph, the process of discovery is characterized by its
  [A]. uncertainty and complexity
  [B]. misconception and deceptiveness
  [C]. logicality and objectivity
  [D]. systematicness and regularity
  [第32题] It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that credibility process requires
  [A]. strict inspection [B]. shared efforts
  [C]. individual wisdom [D]. persistent innovation
  [第33题] Paragraph 3 shows that a discovery claim becomes credible after it
  [A]. has attracted the attention of the general public
  [B]. has been examined by the scientific community
  [C]. has received recognition from editors and reviewers
  [D]. has been frequently quoted by peer scientists
  [第34题] Albert Szent-Gyorgyi would most likely agree that
  [A]. scientific claims will survive challenges
  [B]. discoveries today inspire future research
  [C]. efforts to make discoveries are justified
  [D]. scientific work calls for a critical mind
  例2,2010年英语(一)Text 1
  What would be the best title for the text?
  [A]. Newspapers of the Good Old Days (过去美好时代的报纸)
  [B]. The Lost Horizon in Newspapers (报纸中消失的视野)
  [C]. Mournful Decline of Journalism (新闻业可悲的衰退)
  [D]. Prominent Critics in Memory (记忆中著名的评论家)
  [第21题] It is indicated in Paragraphs 1 and 2 that
  [A]. arts criticism has disappeared from big-city newspapers
  [B]. English-language newspapers used to carry more arts reviews
  [C]. high-quality newspapers retain a large body of readers
  [D]. young readers doubt the suitability of criticism on dailies
  [第22题] Newspaper reviews in England before World War II were characterized by
  [A]. free themes [B]. casual style
  [C]. elaborate layout [D]. radical viewpoints
  [第23题] Which of the following would Shaw and Newman most probably agree on?
  [A]. It is writers' duty to fulfill journalistic goals
  [B]. It is contemptible for writers to be journalists
  [C]. Writers are likely to be tempted into journalism
  [D]. Not all writers are capable of journalistic writing
  [第24题] What can be learned about Cardus according to the last two paragraphs?
  [A]. His music criticism may not appeal to readers today
  [B]. His reputation as a music critic has long been in dispute
  [C]. His style caters largely to modern specialists
  [D]. His writings fail to follow the amateur tradition
  [解析]:在其余四道题的题干和选项中,重复出现的关键词主要有criticism/reviews (评论,出现5次)、newspapers (出现4次)、writers (作者,出现4次)、journalistic/journalism (新闻业,新闻业的,出现3次),如红色字体所示。特别注意,关键词writers和journalistic/journalism虽然出现多次,但是它们是集中出现在一道题中,而非涵盖多道题,出现次数只是等同于一次,所以它们不是主旨词。主旨词是criticism/reviews和newspapers。在主旨题第25题的四个选项中,含有主旨词的选项是AB,答案应在AB中选择。注意,选项D中的Critics (评论家)不是主旨词。接下来,再仔细分析AB,发现A强调的是newspapers,B强调的是the Lost Horizon。而主旨词criticism/reviews出现次数最多,还未用上,所以不能选A,A中找不出能够表述criticism/reviews的内容。事实上,B中的the Lost Horizon正是criticism/reviews的同义替换,所以B是正确答案。
  例3,2010年(英语二)Text 1
  The most appropriate title for this text could be
  [A]. Fluctuation of Art Prices
  [B]. Up-to-date Art Auctions
  [C]. Art Market in Decline
  [D]. Shifted Interest in Arts
  [第21题] In the first paragraph, Damien Hirst's sale was referred to as “a last victory” because
  [A]. the art market had witnessed a succession of victories
  [B]. the auctioneer finally got the two pieces at the highest bids
  [C]. Beautiful Inside My Head Forever won over all masterpieces
  [D]. it was successfully made just before the world financial crisis
  [第22题] By saying “spending of any sort became deeply unfashionable” (Line 1-2, Para.3),the author suggests that
  [A]. collectors were no longer actively involved in art-market auctions
  [B]. people stopped every kind of spending and stayed away from galleries
  [C]. art collection as a fashion had lost its appeal to a great extent
  [D]. works of art in general had gone out of fashion so they were not worth buying
  [第23题] Which of the following statements is NOT true?
  [A]. Sales of contemporary art fell dramatically from 2007 to 2008
  [B]. The art market surpassed many other industries in momentum
  [C]. The art market generally went downward in various ways
  [D]. Some art dealers were awaiting better chances to come
  [第24题] The three Ds mentioned in the last paragraph are
  [A]. auction houses ' favorites
  [B]. contemporary trends
  [C]. factors promoting artwork circulation
  [D]. styles representing impressionists
  [解析]:在其余四道题的题干和选项中,重复出现的关键词最多的是art market,出现4次;其次是auction、fashion和fell/downward (意思相近),分别都出现2次,如红色字体所示。这些词(特别是art market)是主旨词。在主旨题第25题的四个选项中,含主旨词art market的选项只有C。而且,C中还含有与主旨词fell/downward意思相近的decline。所以,C是主旨题的正确答案。
  例4,2010年英语(二)Text 4
  In discussing the US jury system, the text centers on
  [A]. its nature and problems
  [B]. its characteristics and tradition
  [C]. its problems and their solutions
  [D]. its tradition and development
  [第36题] From the principles of the US jury system, we learn that
  [A]. both liberate and illiterate people can serve on juries
  [B]. defendants are immune from trial by their peers
  [C]. no age limit should be imposed for jury service
  [D]. judgment should consider the opinion of the public
  [第37题] The practice of selecting so-called elite jurors prior to 1968 showed
  [A]. the inadequacy of antidiscrimination laws
  [B]. the prevalent discrimination against certain races
  [C]. the conflicting ideals in jury selection procedures
  [D]. the arrogance common among the Supreme Court judges
  [第38题] Even in the 1960s, women were seldom on the jury list in some states because
  [A]. they were automatically banned by state laws
  [B]. they fell far short of the required qualifications
  [C]. they were supposed to perform domestic duties
  [D]. they tended to evade public engagement
  [第39题] After the Jury Selection and Service Act was passed
 [A]. sex discrimination in jury selection was unconstitutional and had to be abolished
  [B]. educational requirements became less rigid in the selection of federal jurors
  [C]. jurors at the state level ought to be representative of the entire community
  [D]. states ought to conform to the federal court in reforming the jury system
[解析]:在其余四道题的题干和选项中,重复出现的关键词主要有jury (出现8次),其次是selection (出现4次)、discrimination/antidiscrimination (出现3次)、state (出现3次),如红色字体所示。仔细比较发现,主旨题第40题的四个选项中并不含有上述重复出现的任一关键词。此时,换个角度分析。注意到,有三道题的题干中出现了时间 ( 第37的“prior to 1968”、38题的“in the 1960s”) 或表述时间范畴 (第39题的“after…”),据此可直接判断为,主旨应该与时间有关。而在主旨题的四个选项中,只有选项D (传统与发展)最能表述时间范畴,所以D是正确答案。(特别注意:题干中出现的主旨词是最重要的。优先考虑题干中出现的主旨词。若题干中没有,再考虑选项中出现的主旨词)。

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